The conversion of hydrogen 11Н from the «242 x 242»
matrix into the «121 x 121» matrix is not a «mechanical» compression of the electron shells of hydrogen into the coordinates of the electron shells of the atom of helium \ He. Such concept would be wrong.
«The nature of universe» is ingenious in its essence, and at the same time, logical enough to be understood.
That is why what the «121 x 121» matrix contains is not just the atom of hydrogen 11Н , but two atoms, i.e. the coupled atom of hydrogen (two protons and two electrons).
But the way of how they are laid in the «121 x 121» matrix in respect to each other and what they are converted in will be considered in this very part.
If compressed in a mechanical (mathematical) sense, the atom of hydrogen would give us 22Н in the «121 x 121»
matrix with Еionization = Еionization 11Н /2 = 6.8095 eV. In fact, we shall have in the «121 x 121» matrix the coupled atom of hydrogen, which does not only have common electron shells with helium 24Нe (the eleventh shell of the atom of hydrogen 11Н in the «242 x 242» matrix is coincided with the first shell of the atom of helium 42Нe in the «121 x 121» matrix), but also Еionization = Еionization 2.
Why and how can it happen? It will be shown below that to answer this question means to be able to answer a number of other questions. What is the electron, and what is the positron, what is the antielectron and antipositron, what makes them different? What is the proton, and what is the neutron, what makes them different? What is the energy of electron in the «121 Ч 121» matrix and in the «242 Ч 242» matrix? The conditions of formation of the energy of electron /2mec2/, /4mec2 /, /8mec2/.
In the «242 Ч 242» matrix we have coupled protons, where the magnetic poles are longitudinally coincided with each other and laid along with the gravitational field (see Fig. A). When a coupled proton in the «242 Ч 242» matrix transits into an exited state (transition of an electron from the first to the eleventh shell), proton P2 is turned relatively to the axis «O» with the transition of its magnetic poles by 180 °. In this case proton P2 does not take place after proton P1 with longitudinally coincided magnetic poles but nearby, with across located proton P1, and magnetic poles of proton P2 are turned out relatively to the gravitational field by 180 ° (see Fig. B). In this case the electron e2 is rotating around P2 nucleus but inverse (counterclockwise) and magnetic poles of the electron e2 are displaced by 180 ° relatively to the electron e1.
The greatness of nature of the universe is in the fact that the basic unit of its structure is the proton (neutron), while all the rest is that is going on around this basic material particle (proton).
A proton is the particle with its internal magnetic field lying along with the direction of the neutrino motion (see Fig. C)
The dispute of what makes the difference between the proton and neutron was a subject of heated arguments. Today it appears very probable that the basis of the neutron is the proton with magnetic poles displaced by 180 °. It means that the neutron having positron rotating around is the atom of hydrogen mirroring, where the «electron» is rotating in the opposite direction (see Fig. C).
An electron is the particle with its internal magnetic field directed to the neutrino motion (from low-temperature zone to high-temperature zone), clockwising (in the direction of neutrino motion — view A, fig. C-V) around proton nucleus and having negative potential (Figs. C-I, C-V, C-VI).
A positron is the particle (the electron with magnetic poles displaced by 180 °) rotating counterclockwise (in the direction of neutrino motion — view B, fig. C-VIII) around neutron nucleus and having positive potential (Figs. C-I, C-VIII, C-IX). The internal magnetic field of positron is directed to the antineutrino motion (or in the opposite direction of neutrino motion).
An antielectron is the electron rotating counterclockwise around proton nucleus (Fig. C-VII), if to see at an angle of 90 to the direction of neutrino motion (view D, fig. C-VII) — zone of 262.914°K and higher.
An antipositron is the positron rotating counterclockwise around neutron nucleus (Fig. C-X), if to see at an angle of 90 to the direction of neutrino motion (view D, fig. C-X) — zone of 262.914°K and lower.
It is important to note the direction of electron (antielectron) and positron (antipositron) rotation clockwise or counterclockwise, fully depends in what temperature zone there is a nucleon (proton or neutron) around which a particle is rotating, (if to see at an angle of 90 to the direction of neutrino motion: from right to left).
That is the temperature (appropriate frequency characteristic of the nucleon nucleus) in the «121 x 121» matrix for hydrogen (11Н H)- 484°K and for helium ( 24He) — 262.914°K is a «border-line» where the energies of neutrino and antineutrino are balanced (see Fig. C-XI). In the «121 x 121» matrix in point 484°K for hydrogen (11Н) and 262.914°K for helium frequency is equal for both.
This temperature corresponds to the energy of electron on the eleventh shell of an atom in the «121 x 121» matrix, where the energies between the electron and antielectron, positron and antipositron, neutrino and antineutrino are balanced.
Simultaneous appearance of these parameters (characteristics) of the nucleon and electron (positron) is the base of low-temperature nuclear synthesis of light nuclei which is possible at the synchronous passing of nuclear electromagnetic resonance and electronic paramagnetic resonance at their consistent characteristics (temperature and frequency).
In the «121 x 121» matrix it would be correct to define the range of temperatures from 262.914°K for helium (484°K for hydrogen) and lower as the «electron-proton» zone and the range of temperatures from 262.914°K for helium (484°K for hydrogen) and higher as the «positron-neutron» zone (see Fig. C-XI).
In the «121 x 121» matrix the neutrino affecting on a free neutron in the «electron-proton» zone converts neutron into proton (in average per 15.8 minutes).
«Neutrino» and «antineutrino» in the direction of its movement, each taken separately, are rotating clockwise.
Neutrino is formed in the low-temperature zone and antineutrino — in the high-temperature zone.
When they meet, they create oncoming directions (opposite directions) of twisting or untwisting, which at the certain conditions (frequency and temperature) make for creation of material particles — proton, neutron, electron, positron, antielectron, antipositron, etc.
The range of these frequencies and temperatures we’ll consider in the next chapters of the work. For now we just mark the following, that frequencies and temperatures between neutrino (antineutrino), electron (positron), proton (neutron) are correlated as 1:103:106.
That is the condition of energy balance «neutrino» («antineutrino») with nuclear electromagnetic resonance and electron paramagnetic resonance.
In the «121 x 121» matrix we shall have the coupled atom of hydrogen. Let’s not hurry up to call it 11Н or H2 as it would be wrong.
The scheme of the bond linking two atoms of hydrogen in the «121 x 121» matrix on the first shell (in unexcited state of the atoms) is well known: a paired shell having a shape of eight is being formed around two atoms (protons), see Fig. D, where the sign of * marks an orbit of an electron and antielectron in the place of twisting of the «eight», in points 4-4′. Farther on along the orbit, they are arranged symmetrically: 1-1′; 2-2′; 3-3′, i.e. with each turn, electron and antielectron meet in the 4-4′ position. This is due to the fact that two electrons cannot be simultaneously found on the orbit of the same nucleus (for a nucleus with charge z = 1). There is an important and determinative difference between two atoms of hydrogen located nearby and two atoms linked with an «eight-shaped» orbit. That is the peculiarity (difference), which is to be taken into account.
The formation of deuterium from nothing from two protons in the «121 x 121» matrix occurs with the help of smooth (according to the atom excitement) «untwisting» of «eight-shaped» orbit into a circle. In this case until tenth, -eleventh shell the axis of magnetic poles of proton P2 (or P1) is turned by 180 ° in respect to proton P1 (P2) with the following conversion on the eleventh shell of the turned proton into neutron with positron «emission». When magnetic poles of proton P2 are being turned, the rotating direction of antielectron «e2» around the nucleus is also changed and it is transformed into antipositron. As a result, antipositron of nucleus 2 and positron «emitted» by nucleus 2 is annihilated. The nuclear electromagnetic resonance occurs, which helps the nuclei to be reunified and the nucleus 12H to be formed with the rest electron «e1» of nucleus 1 at the time synchronization with electronic paramagnetic resonance.
Therefore, we have one «proton-electron» 11H and one «neutron». Having combined them we obtained 11Н + 01n = 21Н or deuterium. For deuterium 12H in the «242 x 242» matrix Еionization = 14.796 eV, and in the «121 x 121» matrix Еionization12H = 14.796 eV / 2 = 7.398 eV. That is why the hydrogen group is «represented» in the «121 x 121» matrix by deuterium 12H , being (which is very important!) symmetrical in its structure (proton-neutron) with respect to the atom of helium 22Нe (two protons, two neutrons).
There is an erroneous assumption often taken in manuals (as well as in some theoretical calculations), according to which, in the state presented in Fig. D, two coupled atoms (two nucleons) have just two electrons on the electron eight-shaped shell. It is not correct. If we pay attention we will see the electron (electrons) rotating around nucleus 1 (proton) in the same direction (clockwise) and around nucleus 2 -counterclockwise (positron or antielectron — in dependence on nucleus 2 whether the nucleus is neutron or proton).
Meanwhile, the electron and positron (if nucleus 2 is a neutron) constantly pass from the orbit of one nucleus to the orbit of another one, alternately rotating in the positive (clockwise) and negative (counterclockwise) directions. That is what is named the electron-positron pair, which in unexcited state of the coupled atoms on the first shell in the «121 x 121» matrix is totally balanced and keeps the «Rydberg’s const» for both nucleus with charge z and nuclei with charges 2Z, 3Z,…80Z, etc. (i.e. for all atoms with pre-coupled state, when interconnection «fusion» of nuclei is not finished).
It is to be kept in mind if the coupled proton in the process of its formation in the «242 Ч 242» matrix transits into the state of deuterium (12H), it also transits into the «121 x 121» matrix as the formed atom of isotope of hydrogen -deuterium, beginning from the first electron shell.
If in the «242 x 242» matrix the energy of nuclear electromagnetic resonance is not sufficient for the nuclei reunion, the coupled nucleon transits into the «121 x 121» matrix in the state showed in the Figure B: i.e. the proton-electron and neutron-positron are unified with «eight-shaped» orbit. So the twisting process of «eight-shaped» orbit started in the «242 x 242» matrix according to the scheme «eight» -«ellipse», is finished on the «circle» phase on the first shell of the «121 x 121» matrix.
Meanwhile electrons (positrons) are rotated on the shared orbit, see Fig. E, and in this case in the head direction as compared with the pair formed from nothing in the «121 x 121» matrix.
The electron and positron both at the expense of quantization (synchronization) while rotating on the same shell in the head direction follow their location (the electron relatively to the positron): 1-1′; 2-2′; 3-3′.
The positron emitted by the nucleus 2 is annihilated with the electron of the nucleus 1.
The annihilation of the positron and electron duplicates (in comparison with the electron-antielectron or positron-antipositron annihilation) the energy of gamma radiation; it helps the nuclei (neutron and positron) to be already reunified on the first electron shell of the «121 x 121» matrix.
In this case positron e2 having transited to the orbit of the nucleus 1 becomes antielectron (positron) and continues its rotation around the coupled nucleus as the positron (antielectron). The positron (antielectron) is kept on the shell, because the formation («fusion») of the deuterium nucleus is started in the «242 x 242» matrix and finished on the first shell of the «121 x 121» matrix in the temperature zone greatly exceeding 262.914 °K (positron-neutron zone)-see Fig. C-XII.
At the same time when the coupled atom transits, the process of «fusion» is not happened yet, for example, from the tenth shell in the «242 x 242» matrix to the first shell of this matrix, the inverse process takes place — not untwisting of «eight-shaped orbit» but twisting and unification of the electron orbit in the inverted sequence. In this case the axis of twisting (see Fig. B) is the axis «O-S» or «O-S’ «. As a result, we have a coupled atom with (z1 + z2) charge with two coupled electrons (positrons), as electrons and positrons are rotating in pair in the same direction at the orbits displacement relatively to the central point «O» (see Fig. A). If the rotation occurs around nuclei-protons clockwise, it is a proton pair, if the rotation occurs around nuclei-neutrons counterclockwise, it is a neutron pair.
The direction, in which the orbits will be reunified relative to axis «О» (whether point S will pass into point S’, or point S’ will pass into point S), is determined by a number of factors. It is a matter of principle, as it eventually determines the answer to the crucial question whether we shall have a proton pair or a neutron one. Correspondingly, the pairs to be obtained as a result (a proton or a neutron one) make a basis for construction (formation) of the atom of helium 42Нe, which
consists of two protons and two neutrons etc., for nuclei with a charge equal to the «even number» z.
The calculation and the value of the energy of «electron» in the «121 x 121» matrix — see Fig. C-XII.